As an Outer Banks resident, I can honestly say, this has been one of the toughest winters.  I find myself searching my photos for reminders of what will be in just a couple months.  Sunny skies, longer days, warm water and sand between my toes.  Forgive me, I know many of you are buried in snow right now so my whining about 28 degrees and 30 mph winds are likely not well received!  On a happy note, there are number of terrific opportunities for buyers and interest rates remain VERY competitive.  If you are a homeowner, we expect a pretty fast and furious April and May as many buyers postponed their trips to weather but will get here and try to make their purchase before the season begins!

On a side note, Apparently, playing my favorite song in the car while dropping my 13 year old at school and rolling down the windows is grounds for COMPLETE humiliation.  Sorry time I won't yell out the window. I LOVE YOU! BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE!  I love being a parent. Perhaps this winter is getting to me...

See below...We did get a little snow!Duck Village Twiddy Sales Office